
Book Editing Services

Turn good writing into a great book

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What every book needs. What your hard work deserves.

Every author needs it, yet self-editing a book is nearly impossible. Even bestselling authors would never dream of attempting it. Hiring an experienced book editor is often the best investment you can make for your book, and your writing career. Book editors do more than make sure your I’s are dotted and T’s are crossed. They ensure your writing is fluid and poignant. Trusting BookBaby with your manuscript might seem like a big commitment, but so is making a book. The best way to make sure your writing is perfectly polished before it’s in print is to invest in editing services from a brand you can trust.

Read Publisher Editing Services are for authors who want premium book editing for an affordable price. We’ve negotiated special rates with an exclusive network of editors from around the globe. These editors work with traditionally published authors in every genre, including many on the New York Times Best Sellers list. Now, self-published authors have the opportunity to work directly with these topflight book editors.

Affordable book editing, optimized for the independent author

Choose the editing service you need:

Line Editing: $10 per page
Line editing is an intensive structural edit that focuses on the finer aspects of language—the flow of ideas, transition elements, tone, and style. Your line editor will take a critical look at your manuscript’s writing flow, language usage, character development, and make suggestions that ensure that you’re communicating your story effectively while maintaining your voice.
Copy Editing: $7 per page
Copy editing is a basic word-by-word edit that addresses grammar, usage, and consistency issues. Your copyeditor will correct continuity issues in your story and ensure your manuscript is free of technical problems or major loose ends that’ll confuse your readers.

Why edit your book with Readpublisher Editing Services?

Compare our rates with any other book editing business. Authors generally pay anywhere from $1,500 to $3,000 for basic editing services. You’ll pay up to 50% less using BookBaby Editing Services. Plus there are no minimums or set up fees. You pay based only on the page-count of your book. You’ll get the best book for your buck with us.
Self-publishing is about getting your book to market faster. We’ll efficiently have your edited manuscript ready for you in 6 to 8 business days. Some services like Edit911 can take up to four weeks to return your edited book.
Your book is edited by seasoned, professional editors who work with bestselling authors in every genre. You’ll receive a fully edited manuscript along with any additional editor notes and suggestions.

Why edit your book with Readpublisher Editing Services?

How do editing services work?
ReadPublisher's Editing Services are easy to use. Simply follow these steps:

1) Setup your manuscript file to these specifications:

  • English language only
  • File Type: Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx)
  • Page Size: 8.5x11"
  • Pages Margins: Set to 1" on all 4 sides left, right, top and bottom.
  • Font Type: Times New Roman
  • Font Size: 12pt.
  • Line Spacing: Double
  • How should I setup my manuscript file for editing?
    Only a single manuscript file is accepted for editing services. Book cover files are not needed nor are they accepted.

    Manuscript specifications:

  • English language only
  • File Type: Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx)
  • Page Size: 8.5x11"
  • Pages Margins: Set to 1" on all 4 sides left, right, top and bottom.
  • Font Type: Times New Roman
  • Font Size: 12pt.
  • Line Spacing: Double
  • Can I speak or communicate directly with my editor?
  • No.
  • readpublisher’s service is a new and robust approach to editing projects. We’re able to charge the lowest rates because of our unique, and streamlined, editing network agreement. Our highly efficient operation matches your manuscript with a top flight editor from your genre. The service levels are clearly defined and the editors are professional. Through our program indie authors can now receive the same level of editing as traditionally published authors at major publishing houses.

    Once our editors have your manuscript in hand, they spend quality hours on your book, providing corrections, fixes and suggestions. After finishing with your manuscript and providing some overall notes and comments, the editor moves onto their next project.

    Our editors are not compensated for any additional consultations. If you require that kind of relationship with an editor, ReadPublisher editing may not be a good choice.

    Get five pages of your book edited for FREE.